Department of Government Ethics, Taipei City Government of "picture book and cultural and creative industry product" and "film" levy started! now-105 September 30, allowing you to practice creative dreams!
Organized by the Department of Government Ethics, Taipei City Government(DGETCG) "2016 full attraction, free painting" picture books and cultural and creative industry product submissions with the "2016 Young Action!" film levy selected activities, " Feeling Taipei " for spindle, into government integrity value and meaning, and combined 29th Universiade Archery related elements. The DGETCG hopes who created picture books, and film, will integrity concept passed readers and viewers. The submissions since now to September 30th, creation results will policy exhibition integrated rendering, through appreciate winning who works, then awareness and support different age layer of dream practice story, while condensing the enthusiasm of the people for the 29th Universiade athletes support activity. The submission’s duration, form and content, please see note accessories brochure. (Also refer to " Feeling Taipei " FB page: (chinese)) " Feeling Taipei " expression "city because people and has temperature ‧ dream because support and has heat", The Taipei City is a has order, and system of city, while is rich in culture of heritage, new old blend and not variable of, is for dream practice of desire, only to through perfect of "hardware" equipment (that the Ethic Government support pure, and fair justice of stage), plus universal of "software" support (that enthusiasm support different age layer of dream), can make city has temperature and became a better of Taipei. Invites people to create " Feeling Taipei " let dreams get enthusiastic support! a temperature of Taipei, warm and orderly vision of the city!