Promote Honesty and Integrity through Education
Education is one of the fundamental ways to promote anti-corruption. The Department of Government Ethics (DOGE) of Taipei City Government (TCG) worked in collaboration with the Department of Education of TCG and the DOGE anti-corruption volunteers in promoting “The Taipei City Government’s Project of Educating to Build a Corruption-Free Environment On-Campus” on National Integrity Building Action Plan. The DOGE anti-corruption volunteers visit elementary schools in Taipei City by executing legal and character education on campuses to achieve the goals of successful legal education in schools; at the same time, developing characterized campus culture. The Ministry of Justice, Transparency International Chinese Taipei, and Tainan District Prosecutors Office have create an educational anime and related materials to foster students’ basic knowledge on integrity and corruption.
The DOGE says, starting from 2016, staffs from the DOGE have been to 23 public and private elementary schools, and more than 4,000 students have been educated. The result turned out positively, both faculties and students are in love with the anime and interactive lectures. Through the materials, it gives students the basic and core value of integrity. Nevertheless, it enhances the education on corruption; in addition, by spreading the knowledge of anti-corruption to the family, and our society to create a zero tolerance for corruption.
On top of education, the DOGE has also hosted several events during each year to promote and deliver the idea of anti-corruption not only to students but also variety of classes, and will continue to do so in the future to advocate the importance of integrity.