Learning United Nations Convention against Corruption through the Movie, Z Storm
The Agency Against Corruption, Ministry of Justice invites you to learn more about the United Nations Convention against Corruption through a movie, Z Storm, by David Lam. The United Nations Convention against Corruption is the first and only legally binding universal anti-corruption instrument. In 2015, Taiwan has approved on adoption of anti-corruption convention. Z Storm is a story about financial fraud in Hong Kong. High profile chartered accountants, high-ranking law enforcers, power lawyers, and the super entrepreneurs are involved, as well as the estimated 150 million dollars of citizens’ tax money which was pooled in a fund called the Welfare Fund. The movie perfectly shows the provisions of anti-corruption. Starting from 2016, through Z Storm, the Agency Against Corruption, Ministry of Justice promotes anti-corruptions and related issues by showing the movie to public. The movie not only present the provision on asset recovery, forfeiting and retuning funds obtained through corrupt activates; but also emphasize the importance of the Whistleblower Protection Act. By doing so, the whistleblower can report any disclosed information of mismanagement wrongdoing, abuse of authority, and/ or other potential risk to public more freely and dauntlessly. The Agency Against Corruption, Ministry of Justice will continue to disseminate the related movie appreciation event similarly to Z Storm. For more information regarding to the agency, please visit the official site for the latest news.