“Stress Integrity, Shape Character”--The 2016“Children Integrity Month” Came to a Perfect End
To encourage parent-child reading and cultivate the value of integrity in children, the Department of Government Ethics (DOGE) of Taipei City Government launched the “Children Integrity Month” project in September, 2014. To enhance the project’s effect and spread seeds of Integrity to children and parents by parent-child reading, the DOGE collaborated again with the Taipei Public Library and the team of Teachers Lin’s Storytelling.
Using a collection of integrity-related short stories published by the Agency Against Corruption of the Ministry of Justice as the source material, the volunteer storytellers of “Teachers Lin” told and interpreted the stories to children and their parents at the branches of Taipei Public Library and local socio-educational institutions, enabling the parents and children learn about integrity and anti-corruption concept while enjoying the stories every Saturday afternoon of September, 2016.
The “Children Integrity Month” project has been held for 3 years and the 2016“Children Integrity Month” project had come to a perfect end before the end of this summer. The DOGE will continue to organize this project with the expectation of strengthening the new generation’s conception of ethical concept and establishing all people’s consciousness of zero-tolerance of corruption.