The Tenth Annual debate competition: Should the government focus on integrity more than efficiency or efficiency more than integrity? Collegiate interscholastic Debates!
Taipei City Government and Agency Against Corruption had co-hosted The Tenth Annual Competition of Collegiate interscholastic Ethics Bowl from November 12th to 14th, 2016 at Soochow University, Downtown Campus. There were 24 local teams singed up for this year’s competition. Not only the locals, teams from Hong Kong Baptist University and University of Science, Malaysia have also singed up for it. There were in total of 122 both local and international students going through 30 rounds of debate on the topic “Whether the government should lean towards integrity or efficiency.” As a result, team from National Taiwan University won the first place, and the second came to the team of National Chengchi University.
The Department of Government Ethics Taipei City Government hopes to deliver the idea of zero tolerance to corruption; thus, every year on International Anti-Corruption Day, the department will collaborate with the United Nations to hold anti-corruption events and invite the community to participate with the expectation of raising the public awareness of integrity and anti-corruption nationwide. This was the tenth year in which the department has hosted the competition and by selecting the integrity related debate topics, the department hopes to rise students awareness and attention toward public issues throughout their information collecting and group discussion. The department will continue the tradition, inviting teams from all over the world and through exchanging different nation’s perspectives and systems, inspiring new ideas and views of anti-corruption.