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The Department of Government Ethics, Taipei City Government(DOGE) hosts a forum on refining piping engineering on July 10, 2017

          Repeated pavement engineering has been an issue; in order to solve and gain benefits of infrastructure, the Taipei City Government has established the Taipei City Road & Pipeline Information Center (RPIC) on July 01, 2015. To further manage the quality of piping engineering, and have staff following the process thoroughly, the Department of Government Ethics, Taipei City Government(DOGE) hosts a forum on refining piping engineering on July 10, 2017. Many of the people and organizations are invited; including, the Taiwan Power Company, the Taipei Water Department, telecommunication companies, pipeline construction companies, union staff, and citizens to discuss and exchange their experiences and ideas.

          The forum opens by Chiang, Pei-Luan, Deputy Commissioner of the DOGE. He mentions that a good or bad quality of pavement engineering reflects based on residents’ feedbacks. Often when there are construction problems, the first thing that people think of is briberies or cut corner constructions, which causes reputation badly damage to the Taipei City Government. The purpose of hosting this forum is to understand what’s needed in order to maintain and uphold the quality of pavement engineering and reduce complains from residents.

          Liu, Chia-Ming, the chief secretary of the New Construction Office, Public Work Department, Taipei City Government encourages the engineers to not only seek for construction quality but also personal safety. For this matter, the host has also invited a lawyer, Hsieh, Yen-An, with both civil engineering and law backgrounds to speak with the guests at the conference, hoping them to gain some beneficial information.

          In addition, to celebrate the 2nd anniversary of the establishment of the RPIC, the director of RPIC, Li, Wen-Fang is also invited to share his experiences. Director Li states that RPIC is established after Mayor Ko Inauguration. He appreciates all the pipeline construction companies, and others cooperation and support. Furthermore, throughout the process of piping engineering, it was really hard to find a balance between not causing inconveniences throughout day and nighttime to the public; therefore, it is necessary to communicate effectively with all other companies.

          Last but not least, Chi, Chia-Chen, Senior Specialist of the Agency Against Corruption (AAC) is also one of the guests to speak with the attendees. She states that though, the AAC is mainly targeting at public servants, but through this forum, she hopes to advocate the importance and the purpose of having organization such as Agency Against Corruption. Not only letting the public knows more about the organization, but also educate and protect peoples’ right; meanwhile, to effectively manage the road constructions, and share the information to more and more counties all over Taiwan. Moreover, the AAC is trying to create a platform where all the counties can share similar problems and information to improve what’s needed to be improved and through this platform, all counties can better prevent previous mistakes and unnecessary waste.