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’’The Lectures on the Laws Related to Government Procurement Act in 2015’’ Delivered by AAC, MOJ, Which Effectively Deepened Participants’ Understanding of Procurement Acts.

To improve the practical knowledge about procurement of prosecutors, prosecutor’s Investigators, judicial police officers, and Government Employee Ethics Employees, and to promote the quality of investigation, Taipei District Prosecutors Office, AAC, MOJ, and Public Construction Commission, Executive Yuan held ‘’The Lectures on the Laws Related to Government Procurement Act in 2015’’ on November 18 and 19, and December 14 and 15. The total 170 participants were Taipei, New Taipei, and Shi-Lin District Prosecutors Offices’ prosecutors and prosecutor’s Investigators, Criminal Investigation Division, Taipei City Police Department’s officers, and some Government Employee Ethics Employees from central governments or local governments of northern areas.
Chief Prosecutor of Taipei District Prosecutors Office Pi-Yu Tsai claimed that most corruption investigation cases happened to the violation of public procurement procedures. If we can grasp the public procurement regulations and the practical malpractices or problem, the know-how will help us investigate crimes. Taipei District Prosecutors Office receives a number of cases against Government Procurement Act, but there’s no exclusive sub-division to deal with those cases. Also, when prosecutors direct judicial police officers to investigate crimes against Government Procurement Act, they just find the difficulty in ambiguity of authority and responsibility. So if the cases are undertaken by police departments, they don’t master this kind of cases enough. The lectures are meant to extend prosecutors’ and prosecutor’s Investigators’ professional abilities in the public procurement regulations, in order to let them investigate these cases on their own.
Deputy Director-General of AAC, MOJ Pei-Gen Hong claimed that according to the results of the integrity index survey conducted by MOJ, in 2012 to 2014, people’s perception of procurement personnel's level of Integrity was low and declining. Due to the large sums of money of public constructions, people may pursue profits and then derive many illegal behaviors. In terms of AAC in charge of Investigation corruption crimes, governments or authorities confront tenders’ joint bidding or tied bidding which are not engaged in corruption, if it happens, all Government Employee Ethics Units give formal reports to their head of the executives and get their stamps of approval, and send the cases to district prosecutors’ offices to investigate.
A series of these lectures were given by 8 experts, including Chief Secretary Ming-Tong Su and Director of Department of Planning Yu-Chia Chen of Public Construction Commission, Executive Yuan, to instruct the laws related to Government Procurement Act and the practical know-how of procurement of public constructions and technical services. Besides analyzing and explaining the content of laws related to Government Procurement Act, they adopted case study to teach what the procurement fault patterns are and explore the problem and issues of procuratorial organizations’ investigation procurement crimes, which can promote participants’ professional knowledge and skills of Government Procurement Act.