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The Department of Government Ethics, Taipei City Government(DOGE) hosts the award ceremony of role models on 19th September 2017

        Every year, the Department of Government Ethics, Taipei City Government selects role models to award those who investigate bribes or take specific precautions to prevent malpractice. This year, there were 31 members that have been recommended throughout the entire departments and organizations from Taipei City Government; however, only 20 outstanding role models made it.

        The award ceremony was hosted on 19th September 2017 and the awards were presented by Ko, Wen-Je, mayor of Taipei. Mayor Ko encourages the rest of the public servants to follow these 20 selected role models’ footsteps, not only staying away from bribes but also speak up for any inappropriate action. In addition, having the willingness to do things for the people and society in order to raise the government’s reputation as well as the trust in public servants are the key purpose of getting the award.

        The Department of Government Ethics, Taipei City Government states that in order to be selected, not only the public servants need a clean background, but also to promote and execute anti-corruption. For example, in 2016 one of the selected role models was a policeman, who helped sorting out a car accident, the litigant gave him $10,000 NTD to thank him afterward; however, according to law, public servants are not allow to take any gift on any circumstance. Thus, the policeman reported to the department and returned the money back to the litigant. Another example was a social worker found out there was forgery document in a subsidy case, she reported immediately in order to prevent the fraud. Last but not least, an engineer from Department of Rapid Transit Systems, Taipei City Government helped review documents and all related cases, which helped saving $660 million NTD.

        The department further states that, through praising the selected public servants as role models to influence other public servants from departments and organizations to aim for the same goal, which is to create zero tolerance community.